CEDEAO Cup qualifications
CompetitionsQualificationCEDEAO Cup qualifier
Competition summary
Tournaments held | 4 | ||||||||||
Total participating teams | 14 | ||||||||||
Total games played | 26 | ||||||||||
First | 1983 | ||||||||||
Latest | 1991 | ||||||||||
Type of competition | Qualification | ||||||||||
Geographical area | Africa | ||||||||||
K coefficient Competition weight in Elo ratings | 40 | ||||||||||
Qualifying successfully Automatic qualifications for hosts and titles holders are ignored |
Tournaments details
ResultsParticipating teamsStatisticsGraphicsElo before
Elo after
Elo before
Elo after
Tournament | Participating teams |
1983 | |
1983 | |
1985 | |
1985 | |
1990 | |
1990 | |
1991 | |
1991 |