CompetitionsQualificationCaribbean Cup qualifier
Competition summary
Tournaments held | 19 |
Total participating teams | 31 |
Total games played | 620 |
First | 1989 |
Latest | 2017 |
Type of competition | Qualification |
Geographical area | North America |
K coefficient Competition weight in Elo ratings | 40 |
Qualifying successfully Automatic qualifications for hosts and titles holders are ignored | | 12 qualifications | | 10 qualifications | | 8 qualifications | | 7 qualifications | | 7 qualifications | | 6 qualifications | | 6 qualifications | | 6 qualifications | | 6 qualifications | | 5 qualifications | | 4 qualifications | | 4 qualifications | | 4 qualifications | | 4 qualifications | | 3 qualifications | | 3 qualifications | | 3 qualifications | | 2 qualifications | | 2 qualifications | | 1 qualification | | 1 qualification |
Caribbean Cup finals
All-time table of the Caribbean Cup qualifiers
Tournaments details
ResultsParticipating teamsStatisticsGraphics
Tournament | Opening | Closing | Qualified teams |
1989 |
1989 | April 23rd, 1989 | June 19th, 1989 | Netherlands Antilles Elo: 1323 - 105th Elo: 1351 - 102nd Grenada Elo: 1279 - 111th Elo: 1318 - 107th Guadeloupe Elo: 1381 - 97th Elo: 1410 - 92nd St Vincent & Grenadines Elo: 1380 - 96th Elo: 1406 - 93rd Trinidad and Tobago Elo: 1526 - 64th Elo: 1529 - 63rd |
1990 |
1990 | March 24th, 1990 | May 30th, 1990 | Grenada Elo: 1343 - 105th Elo: 1371 - 101st Jamaica Elo: 1228 - 128th Elo: 1278 - 115th Martinique Elo: 1416 - 88th Elo: 1420 - 86th Barbados Elo: 1243 - 123rd Elo: 1300 - 113th St Vincent & Grenadines Elo: 1368 - 100th Elo: 1389 - 96th |
1991 |
1991 | May 8th, 1991 | May 19th, 1991 | Cayman Islands Elo: 1039 - 170th Elo: 1065 - 167th Dominican Republic Elo: 959 - 176th Elo: 992 - 175th Guyana Elo: 1230 - 133rd Elo: 1245 - 130th Martinique Elo: 1442 - 81st Elo: 1427 - 86th Saint Lucia Elo: 1239 - 131st Elo: 1241 - 132nd |
1992 |
1992 | March 1st, 1992 | May 9th, 1992 | Antigua and Barbuda Elo: 1223 - 139th Elo: 1257 - 129th Cuba Elo: 1490 - 74th Elo: 1491 - 74th Guadeloupe Elo: 1357 - 108th Elo: 1378 - 100th Martinique Elo: 1409 - 92nd Elo: 1403 - 95th St Vincent & Grenadines Elo: 1338 - 111th Elo: 1366 - 106th Suriname Elo: 1375 - 103rd Elo: 1402 - 96th |
1993 |
1993 | March 1st, 1993 | April 29th, 1993 | Martinique Elo: 1428 - 96th Elo: 1452 - 90th Puerto Rico Elo: 943 - 192nd Elo: 1064 - 179th Saint Kitts and Nevis Elo: 1169 - 160th Elo: 1164 - 161st Saint Lucia Elo: 1248 - 141st Elo: 1317 - 124th St Vincent & Grenadines Elo: 1274 - 134th Elo: 1283 - 133rd Sint Maarten Elo: 938 - 194th Elo: 978 - 190th |
1994 |
1994 | January 19th, 1994 | March 10th, 1994 | Barbados Elo: 1314 - 125th Elo: 1294 - 132nd Cayman Islands Elo: 951 - 193rd Elo: 1035 - 183rd Dominica Elo: 1134 - 166th Elo: 1184 - 158th Guadeloupe Elo: 1316 - 124th Elo: 1354 - 116th Haiti Elo: 1312 - 125th Elo: 1321 - 124th Suriname Elo: 1328 - 122nd Elo: 1348 - 115th |
1995 |
1995 | March 19th, 1995 | May 27th, 1995 | Antigua and Barbuda Elo: 1191 - 155th Elo: 1185 - 157th Cuba Elo: 1499 - 80th Elo: 1532 - 71st French Guiana Elo: 1256 - 141st Elo: 1275 - 137th Saint Lucia Elo: 1269 - 137th Elo: 1302 - 128th St Vincent & Grenadines Elo: 1248 - 141st Elo: 1265 - 137th |
1996 |
1996 | March 3rd, 1996 | May 5th, 1996 | Cuba Elo: 1518 - 73rd Elo: 1527 - 73rd Haiti Elo: 1304 - 126th Elo: 1298 - 129th Jamaica Elo: 1561 - 63rd Elo: 1519 - 73rd Martinique Elo: 1466 - 88th Elo: 1486 - 84th Saint Kitts and Nevis Elo: 1137 - 166th Elo: 1152 - 163rd St Vincent & Grenadines Elo: 1272 - 138th Elo: 1307 - 125th Suriname Elo: 1296 - 129th Elo: 1264 - 138th |
1997 |
1997 | February 19th, 1997 | May 4th, 1997 | Grenada Elo: 1253 - 139th Elo: 1277 - 136th Jamaica Elo: 1560 - 65th Elo: 1565 - 66th Martinique Elo: 1478 - 81st Elo: 1508 - 74th |
1998 |
1998 | March 3rd, 1998 | May 10th, 1998 | Antigua and Barbuda Elo: 1118 - 168th Elo: 1137 - 165th Cayman Islands Elo: 1047 - 182nd Elo: 1105 - 171st Netherlands Antilles Elo: 1215 - 147th Elo: 1249 - 138th Dominica Elo: 1175 - 160th Elo: 1218 - 149th Haiti Elo: 1365 - 112th Elo: 1380 - 110th Martinique Elo: 1487 - 79th Elo: 1465 - 87th |
1999 |
1999 | February 3rd, 1999 | May 9th, 1999 | Cuba Elo: 1431 - 98th Elo: 1463 - 84th Grenada Elo: 1287 - 134th Elo: 1315 - 128th Guadeloupe Elo: 1355 - 116th Elo: 1381 - 111th Haiti Elo: 1397 - 107th Elo: 1410 - 105th Saint Kitts and Nevis Elo: 1263 - 138th Elo: 1292 - 132nd |
2001 |
2001 | February 3rd, 2001 | April 14th, 2001 | Barbados Elo: 1333 - 123rd Elo: 1361 - 120th Cuba Elo: 1469 - 83rd Elo: 1492 - 79th Haiti Elo: 1402 - 107th Elo: 1425 - 93rd Martinique Elo: 1372 - 116th Elo: 1376 - 115th Saint Kitts and Nevis Elo: 1256 - 142nd Elo: 1264 - 139th Suriname Elo: 1280 - 138th Elo: 1309 - 127th |
2005 |
2005 | October 31st, 2004 | January 16th, 2005 | Cuba Elo: 1553 - 68th Elo: 1595 - 63rd Jamaica Elo: 1624 - 54th Elo: 1616 - 56th Trinidad and Tobago Elo: 1489 - 87th Elo: 1479 - 90th |
2007 |
2007 | September 2nd, 2006 | January 9th, 2007 | Barbados Elo: 1281 - 132nd Elo: 1321 - 121st Cuba Elo: 1545 - 73rd Elo: 1579 - 61st Guadeloupe Elo: 1365 - 109th Elo: 1395 - 103rd Guyana Elo: 1177 - 166th Elo: 1332 - 118th Haiti Elo: 1485 - 88th Elo: 1467 - 94th Martinique Elo: 1359 - 111th Elo: 1384 - 106th St Vincent & Grenadines Elo: 1329 - 118th Elo: 1351 - 113th |
2008 |
2008 | July 27th, 2008 | November 9th, 2008 | Antigua and Barbuda Elo: 1133 - 172nd Elo: 1231 - 148th Barbados Elo: 1273 - 136th Elo: 1345 - 122nd Cuba Elo: 1448 - 94th Elo: 1458 - 93rd Grenada Elo: 1242 - 147th Elo: 1236 - 147th Guadeloupe Elo: 1462 - 92nd Elo: 1485 - 92nd Trinidad and Tobago Elo: 1579 - 64th Elo: 1566 - 66th |
2010 |
2010 | October 2nd, 2010 | November 14th, 2010 | Antigua and Barbuda Elo: 1242 - 144th Elo: 1250 - 143rd Barbados Elo: 1256 - 142nd Elo: 1256 - 140th Cuba Elo: 1476 - 95th Elo: 1463 - 97th Grenada Elo: 1268 - 139th Elo: 1262 - 140th Guadeloupe Elo: 1456 - 98th Elo: 1493 - 90th Guyana Elo: 1263 - 140th Elo: 1343 - 122nd Trinidad and Tobago Elo: 1511 - 85th Elo: 1543 - 78th |
2012 |
2012 | September 5th, 2012 | November 18th, 2012 | Cuba Elo: 1346 - 124th Elo: 1355 - 122nd Dominican Republic Elo: 1124 - 174th Elo: 1240 - 146th French Guiana Elo: 1190 - 159th Elo: 1242 - 146th Haiti Elo: 1415 - 105th Elo: 1437 - 102nd Martinique Elo: 1346 - 118th Elo: 1365 - 117th Trinidad and Tobago Elo: 1479 - 92nd Elo: 1499 - 88th |
2014 |
2014 | May 30th, 2014 | October 12th, 2014 | Antigua and Barbuda Elo: 1266 - 140th Elo: 1292 - 134th Curaçao Elo: 1012 - 187th Elo: 1097 - 178th French Guiana Elo: 1226 - 150th Elo: 1256 - 142nd Haiti Elo: 1431 - 104th Elo: 1409 - 110th Martinique Elo: 1429 - 105th Elo: 1439 - 101st Trinidad and Tobago Elo: 1492 - 86th Elo: 1510 - 82nd |
2017 |
2017 | March 22nd, 2016 | January 8th, 2017 | Jamaica Elo: 1496 - 84th Elo: 1515 - 78th French Guiana Elo: 1287 - 136th Elo: 1353 - 118th Curaçao Elo: 1122 - 176th Elo: 1224 - 155th Martinique Elo: 1445 - 99th Elo: 1501 - 84th |
Tournament | Participating teams |
1989 |
1989 | |
1990 |
1990 | |
1991 |
1991 | |
1992 |
1992 | |
1993 |
1993 | |
1994 |
1994 | |
1995 |
1995 | |
1996 |
1996 | |
1997 |
1997 | |
1998 |
1998 | |
1999 |
1999 | |
2001 |
2001 | |
2005 |
2005 | |
2007 |
2007 | |
2008 |
2008 | |
2010 |
2010 | |
2012 |
2012 | |
2014 |
2014 | |
2017 |
2017 | |
Tournament | Participating teams | Games played | Total goals | Average goals | Lowest Elo | Highest Elo | Average Elo |
1989 |
1989 | 15 | 23 | 77 | 3.35 | 864 | 1567 | 1243 |
1990 |
1990 | 21 | 30 | 83 | 2.77 | 573 | 1430 | 1204 |
1991 |
1991 | 15 | 15 | 43 | 2.87 | 575 | 1427 | 1106 |
1992 |
1992 | 20 | 25 | 83 | 3.32 | 574 | 1491 | 1191 |
1993 |
1993 | 17 | 21 | 67 | 3.19 | 564 | 1452 | 1145 |
1994 |
1994 | 19 | 20 | 89 | 4.45 | 562 | 1484 | 1112 |
1995 |
1995 | 20 | 30 | 112 | 3.73 | 528 | 1532 | 1177 |
1996 |
1996 | 18 | 19 | 54 | 2.84 | 521 | 1566 | 1213 |
1997 |
1997 | 15 | 20 | 81 | 4.05 | 504 | 1572 | 1150 |
1998 |
1998 | 22 | 30 | 137 | 4.57 | 496 | 1465 | 1166 |
1999 |
1999 | 24 | 35 | 121 | 3.46 | 612 | 1463 | 1142 |
2001 |
2001 | 22 | 32 | 148 | 4.63 | 541 | 1492 | 1124 |
2005 |
2005 | 21 | 45 | 157 | 3.49 | 540 | 1637 | 1253 |
2007 |
2007 | 23 | 53 | 192 | 3.62 | 541 | 1627 | 1206 |
2008 |
2008 | 19 | 36 | 134 | 3.72 | 539 | 1583 | 1191 |
2010 |
2010 | 21 | 39 | 143 | 3.67 | 525 | 1543 | 1147 |
2012 |
2012 | 23 | 48 | 193 | 4.02 | 527 | 1500 | 1161 |
2014 |
2014 | 24 | 51 | 162 | 3.18 | 546 | 1510 | 1132 |
2017 |
2017 | 24 | 48 | 164 | 3.42 | 553 | 1555 | 1174 |
Elo ratings of participating teams
Minimum Elo
Average Elo
Maximum Elo
Average goals scored during tournaments
Average goals
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