CompetitionsDuelJalco Cup
Competition summary
Tournaments held | 8 |
Total participating teams | 2 |
Total games played | 7 |
First | 1951 |
Latest | 1959 |
Type of competition | Duel |
Geographical area | Africa |
K coefficient Competition weight in Elo ratings | 30 |
Winning Teams | |
All-time table of the Jalco Cup
Tournaments details
ResultsParticipating teamsStatisticsGraphics
Tournament | Opening | Closing | Winner | Second |
1951 |
1951 | October 20th, 1951 | October 20th, 1951 | Nigeria Elo: 1700 - 25th Elo: 1722 - 22nd | Gold Coast Elo: 1707 - 24th Elo: 1685 - 25th |
1953 |
1953 | October 11th, 1953 | October 11th, 1953 | Gold Coast Elo: 1685 - 25th Elo: 1697 - 25th | Nigeria Elo: 1722 - 21st Elo: 1710 - 24th |
1954 |
1954 | October 30th, 1954 | October 30th, 1954 | Nigeria Elo: 1710 - 21st Elo: 1729 - 19th | Gold Coast Elo: 1706 - 22nd Elo: 1687 - 23rd |
1955 |
1955 | October 30th, 1955 | October 30th, 1955 | Ghana No data No data | Nigeria No data No data |
1956 |
1956 | October 27th, 1956 | October 27th, 1956 | Nigeria Elo: 1688 - 28th Elo: 1709 - 22nd | Gold Coast Elo: 1724 - 22nd Elo: 1703 - 25th |
1957 |
1957 | October 27th, 1957 | October 27th, 1957 | Ghana Elo: 1696 - 26th Elo: 1692 - 26th | Nigeria Elo: 1709 - 25th Elo: 1713 - 25th |
1958 |
1958 | October 25th, 1958 | October 25th, 1958 | Nigeria Elo: 1713 - 29th Elo: 1723 - 27th | Ghana Elo: 1704 - 30th Elo: 1694 - 32nd |
1959 |
1959 | November 21st, 1959 | November 21st, 1959 | Ghana Elo: 1700 - 31st Elo: 1721 - 28th | Nigeria Elo: 1724 - 28th Elo: 1703 - 31st |
Tournament | Participating teams |
1951 |
1951 | |
1953 |
1953 | |
1954 |
1954 | |
1955 |
1955 | |
1956 |
1956 | |
1957 |
1957 | |
1958 |
1958 | |
1959 |
1959 | |
Tournament | Participating teams | Games played | Total goals | Average goals | Lowest Elo | Highest Elo | Average Elo |
1951 |
1951 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 5.00 | 1685 | 1722 | 1704 |
1953 |
1953 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1.00 | 1697 | 1710 | 1704 |
1954 |
1954 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 3.00 | 1687 | 1729 | 1708 |
1955 |
1955 | | | | | | | |
1956 |
1956 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 3.00 | 1703 | 1709 | 1706 |
1957 |
1957 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 6.00 | 1692 | 1713 | 1703 |
1958 |
1958 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 5.00 | 1694 | 1723 | 1709 |
1959 |
1959 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 7.00 | 1703 | 1721 | 1712 |
Elo ratings of participating teams
Minimum Elo
Average Elo
Maximum Elo
Average goals scored during tournaments
Average goals
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