CompetitionsDuelCopa Premio de Honor Uruguayo
Competition summary
Tournaments held | 13 |
Total participating teams | 2 |
Total games played | 16 |
First | 1911 |
Latest | 1924 |
Type of competition | Duel |
Geographical area | South America |
K coefficient Competition weight in Elo ratings | 30 |
Winning Teams | |
All-time table of the Copa Premio de Honor Uruguayo
Tournaments details
ResultsParticipating teamsStatisticsGraphics
Tournament | Opening | Closing | Winner | Second |
1911 |
1911 | October 8th, 1911 | October 29th, 1911 | Uruguay Elo: 1934 - 4th Elo: 1939 - 4th | Argentina Elo: 1957 - 3rd Elo: 1952 - 3rd |
1912 |
1912 | August 25th, 1912 | August 25th, 1912 | Uruguay Elo: 1947 - 5th Elo: 1966 - 3rd | Argentina Elo: 1944 - 6th Elo: 1925 - 6th |
1913 |
1913 | October 5th, 1913 | October 5th, 1913 | Uruguay Elo: 1909 - 6th Elo: 1923 - 6th | Argentina Elo: 1984 - 3rd Elo: 1970 - 4th |
1914 |
1914 | August 30th, 1914 | August 30th, 1914 | Uruguay Elo: 1939 - 6th Elo: 1950 - 5th | Argentina Elo: 1954 - 4th Elo: 1943 - 6th |
1915 |
1915 | July 18th, 1915 | July 18th, 1915 | Argentina Elo: 1945 - 5th Elo: 1964 - 3rd | Uruguay Elo: 1936 - 6th Elo: 1917 - 6th |
1916 |
1916 | October 1st, 1916 | October 1st, 1916 | Argentina Elo: 1990 - 3rd Elo: 2005 - 3rd | Uruguay Elo: 1895 - 6th Elo: 1880 - 8th |
1917 |
1917 | July 18th, 1917 | July 18th, 1917 | Argentina Elo: 1981 - 3rd Elo: 2005 - 3rd | Uruguay Elo: 1904 - 6th Elo: 1880 - 8th |
1918 |
1918 | July 18th, 1918 | July 28th, 1918 | Uruguay Elo: 1956 - 5th Elo: 1971 - 5th | Argentina Elo: 1987 - 4th Elo: 1972 - 4th |
1919 |
1919 | July 18th, 1919 | July 18th, 1919 | Uruguay Elo: 1953 - 6th Elo: 1973 - 4th | Argentina Elo: 1975 - 4th Elo: 1955 - 5th |
1920 |
1920 | July 18th, 1920 | July 18th, 1920 | Uruguay Elo: 1988 - 2nd Elo: 2001 - 2nd | Argentina Elo: 1940 - 5th Elo: 1927 - 5th |
1922 |
1922 | December 10th, 1922 | December 10th, 1922 | Uruguay Elo: 1999 - 2nd Elo: 2006 - 2nd | Argentina Elo: 1906 - 5th Elo: 1899 - 7th |
1923 |
1923 | July 22nd, 1923 | September 30th, 1923 | Argentina Elo: 1889 - 9th Elo: 1935 - 4th | Uruguay Elo: 1988 - 2nd Elo: 1942 - 3rd |
1924 |
1924 | August 31st, 1924 | August 31st, 1924 | Argentina Elo: 1919 - 3rd Elo: 1943 - 3rd | Uruguay Elo: 2066 - 1st Elo: 2042 - 1st |
Tournament | Participating teams |
1911 |
1911 | |
1912 |
1912 | |
1913 |
1913 | |
1914 |
1914 | |
1915 |
1915 | |
1916 |
1916 | |
1917 |
1917 | |
1918 |
1918 | |
1919 |
1919 | |
1920 |
1920 | |
1922 |
1922 | |
1923 |
1923 | |
1924 |
1924 | |
Tournament | Participating teams | Games played | Total goals | Average goals | Lowest Elo | Highest Elo | Average Elo |
1911 |
1911 | 2 | 2 | 5 | 2.50 | 1931 | 1960 | 1946 |
1912 |
1912 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 3.00 | 1925 | 1966 | 1946 |
1913 |
1913 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1.00 | 1923 | 1970 | 1947 |
1914 |
1914 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 5.00 | 1943 | 1950 | 1947 |
1915 |
1915 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 5.00 | 1917 | 1964 | 1941 |
1916 |
1916 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1.00 | 1880 | 2005 | 1943 |
1917 |
1917 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2.00 | 1880 | 2005 | 1943 |
1918 |
1918 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 3.00 | 1953 | 1990 | 1972 |
1919 |
1919 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 5.00 | 1955 | 1973 | 1964 |
1920 |
1920 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2.00 | 1927 | 2001 | 1964 |
1922 |
1922 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1.00 | 1899 | 2006 | 1953 |
1923 |
1923 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 3.00 | 1897 | 1980 | 1939 |
1924 |
1924 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 5.00 | 1943 | 2042 | 1993 |
Elo ratings of participating teams
Minimum Elo
Average Elo
Maximum Elo
Average goals scored during tournaments
Average goals
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